Thursday, January 19, 2012

a little "extra" motivation...

(picture is from make-it-love-it blog)
I just read this great post  exercise...finding the right motivation on one of the "craft" blogs I follow (not fitness;) I love how she and her hubby give themselves small weekly rewards to keep themselves going AND that the rewards are NOT food related. I find that I subconsciously tell myself "since you worked out today-you deserve a little treat or two". Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't eat any treats at all, but maybe not use it as a reward for a job well done in trying to get healthier (kind of an oxymoron-right?)
I really like some of the weekly reward ideas she uses. What weekly rewards would motivate YOU? I need more ideas--do share!


  1. WOW! I wish I could do some of those "extras", but I think I'd go broke!! I'm hoping that just seeing my body change, and my energy increase, and focus sharpen, will be enough movitation for me right now (remember . . . I havn't even "started" exercising yet!). But for you girls who already look and feel great, I can see how some real "extras" would keep you going. Can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

  2. I'm with you kjirst! I was hoping we could share things that would make good motivating rewards that are FREE (like the back rubs, or no dishes for a week, a redbox movie night) the gal that actually came up with the calendar just had a baby too, which made me think of you, so I thought I would share.I think feeling great and looking better IS the BEST reward, but it never hurts to add a little extra motivator;)

  3. Here's one . . . how about an hour to read (or watch the news, or work on a project) while daddy puts the kids to bed!? Or what about a day (or afternoon or evening) to "window shop" and try clothes on your awesome changing bod? I think that would be a fun one to do together!! :) This is where I wish we all lived closer . . . wouldn't it be fun to make a "girls' night" one of our motivating rewards?!! I sure love you all!!
