Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 3 Week 4

i was excited for today because, instead of 12 minutes with lisa marie, and THEN an additional weight routine with sean, they mixed the two into one workout. so it was only 12 minutes, but you get your weights AND your cardio. NICE!

it was REALLY disappointing when i went to do the workout and somehow injured a muscle, so the whole workout was not done to my full potential. very frustrating.

word of the day: CAPABLE

Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 6 exercises 2 times through. ( 3 times if you want to really push hard ;) ) brad wasn't home today, so no scores for him

Lisa-Marie’s 3 Exercises:

1. Push-up & Front Raise using 8 lb weights 6 5

2. Bag Drag using the Pink Sandbag (i did it without equipment) 8 7

3. Commando Push Up, Roll & Mountain Climbers 4 3

Seans 3 Exercises:

1. Shoulder Lift & Squat & One Leg Lift using the Pink Sandbag 7 (this is where i felt the pain in my inner thigh. i didn't lift a leg, just squatted) 8

2. Round the world using 8 lb weights 10 (could hardly do them) 16

3. Squat & Press using 8 lb weights (the first time through, i just did a press. i couldn't squat anymore) 20 16

and then the second time through everything, i was able to do everything (all of the squats). still not completely 100%, but better than the first round. i need to do some serious stretching and resting tonight. i'm bummed about this. i wanted to work SO HARD this week, since it's kind of my last chance before the end of the challenge. i HOPE i'll heal before friday! that's the fit test and i NEED to see some improvement or i'll be a little disappointed. : (

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