word of the day: ACHIEVED!
i'm so proud of what i've achieved this month! i kind of treated this as my LAST CHANCE WORKOUT, because it really is the last workout of the challenge. tomorrow is just a 7 minute fit test, to see how far i've come!
i set my interval timer to 10/30 and did this circuit only 1x through, doing as many of these exercises as i could in the 30 second time period. and i was able to do it full out without hurting. i guess yesterday's injury was just a fluke (thank goodness!)
this is actually the same workout we did last tuesday, so i put my previous scores in parentheses.
Workout Breakdown:
1 Push-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump 7 (6)
*High Knees Skip 77 (76)
Switch Lunge 25 (23)
*High Knees Skip 79 (72)
Press up with Spider Knee (on my knees) 11 (7)
*High Knees Skip 82 (86)
High Knees x 10 + Mountain Climbers x 10 4 (3)
*High Knees Skip 80 (60)
Side Burpee & Oblique Abs 7 (6)
*High Knees Skip 80 (80low)
Push-up + Side Plank Twist + Oblique Drop 7 (5)
*High Knees Skip 80 (75)
V Abs Left 19 (16)
*High Knees Skip 70 (76)
V Abs Right 20 (18)
*High Knees Skip 80 (66)
Hug Knees + Star Jack 19 (20)
*High Knees Skip 85 (74)
Single Toe Touch Abs 15 (10)
*High Knees Skip 83 (80)
Squat Jump 20 (20)
*High Knees Skip 80 (75)
1/2 Burpee + 1 Push-up 8 (8)
*High Knees Skip 90 (70)
I LOVE getting to see some improvement!! i feel like i was a lot more consistent this time around (my high knee skips stayed in the 70s or 80s and i kept my knees high)
i was excited for today because, instead of 12 minutes with lisa marie, and THEN an additional weight routine with sean, they mixed the two into one workout. so it was only 12 minutes, but you get your weights AND your cardio. NICE!
it was REALLY disappointing when i went to do the workout and somehow injured a muscle, so the whole workout was not done to my full potential. very frustrating.
word of the day: CAPABLE
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 6 exercises 2 times through. ( 3 times if you want to really push hard ;) ) brad wasn't home today, so no scores for him
Lisa-Marie’s 3 Exercises:
1. Push-up & Front Raise using 8 lb weights 6 5
2. Bag Drag using the Pink Sandbag (i did it without equipment) 8 7
3. Commando Push Up, Roll & Mountain Climbers 4 3
Seans 3 Exercises:
1. Shoulder Lift & Squat & One Leg Lift using the Pink Sandbag 7 (this is where i felt the pain in my inner thigh. i didn't lift a leg, just squatted) 8
2. Round the world using 8 lb weights 10 (could hardly do them) 16
3. Squat & Press using 8 lb weights (the first time through, i just did a press. i couldn't squat anymore) 20 16
and then the second time through everything, i was able to do everything (all of the squats). still not completely 100%, but better than the first round. i need to do some serious stretching and resting tonight. i'm bummed about this. i wanted to work SO HARD this week, since it's kind of my last chance before the end of the challenge. i HOPE i'll heal before friday! that's the fit test and i NEED to see some improvement or i'll be a little disappointed. : (
the countdown is officially on. only three days left!! i'm feeling so much better about my body. i feel more FIRM. it's a really good feeling. not to say i don't have jiggles, but i love what bodyrock is doing for me, after only 30 days!! i won't stop after these three days. if only i can figure out how to motivate myself to stick to the diet plan....
word of the day; CONQUER
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through. ( 4 times if you feel brave enough ;) )
1. Push-up + Clean & Press & Squat & Press – using 8 lb weights 6 7 6 (8 6 5)
2. Plyo-metric Jump & Press Up & Tuck Jump 8 6 9 (8 6 7)
3. Plank & Floor touch & Knee Tuck – Alternate Sides Using Table & Stability Ball (we ended up just doing it on the floor without equipment) 8 11 18 (16 16 20)
4. Reverse Pull Up’s 17 15 22 (25 22 22)
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through. ( 4 times if you feel brave enough ;) ) brad's scores are in ( ):
1 Leg Push-Ups and Jump Over 10 9 9 (15 8 10)
Side Straddle Run’s & Burpee’s 12 13 12 (11 12 9)
Squat and Woodchop – Alternate Sides Using the big exercise ball 23 24 23 (22 27 30)
Plank Jumps using the core disc 38 47 38 (42 44 50)
Set your interval timer to 12 rounds of 10/50 and complete the following 4 exercises 3 times through. oh my goodness! brad and i BOTH were doing the easiest style of pushups by the third time through. this was killer. pushups are not a strength of mine. but i guess that's why i need to do them. i won't improve if i never try.
1. Elevated Push Up’s with spider knee 14 8 12 (21 18 16)
2. Star or Diamond Push Up 14 13 15 (21 15 17)
3. Explosive Push Ups using the core disc 8 10 10 (9 12 16)
4. Tricep Alternating Lunges using the Pink Sandbag (we just did dips on the side of a chair) 12:i wasted about ten seconds, trying to get situated correctly 20 25 (25 24 27)
oh my goodness! i'm so excited! i've completed three weeks and only have ONE LEFT. in the beginning, i thought this was a 6 week program (where they're only counting the days you actually work out), but they're counting by week, so the 30 days is counted over 4 weeks. makes sense now, and it's so nice that i have ONE week left, rather than 3! and i haven't missed ANY of the workouts.
i really wish i had been able to eat better. i started out really well. my downfall was when i got lazy and didn't write out a menu for the week. i need a menu because that makes me go grocery shopping and then i know i have everything i need to make my meals. otherwise, i don't make real meals and i start to snack. i'm not good at looking in the pantry and making something up.
don't laugh at me if i don't look any different after the 30 days. i FEEL better and i've lost a couple of pounds, but nothing substantial. i do feel like i'm more toned, but i'm not sure anyone else would notice. we'll see.
i'm planning to continue after the 30 days is up though, so hopefully i'll see more and more results month by month.
here's lisa-marie's timed workout:
Set your interval timer to a stopwatch. You will perform the following workout twice through.
25 Push Ups (girl style- oh my gosh. i'm so bad at push ups. it's so hard to do more than maybe 10, without losing the correct form)
100 High Knee Skips
25 Knee Tucks (i put my legs up on a chair and did sit ups)
100 High Knee Skips
25 Squats using 8 lb weights, held to my chest
100 High Knee Skips
25 Triceps on the edge of a chair
TIME: 13:25
Sean Workout in 3 Rounds. Set your interval timer for 10/50 (i used 8 lb. weights on all of these)
Wide Grip Pull Up/Bicep Curls using The PINK sandbag (i did 10 wide push ups, girl style, then 10 biceps curls- all of that equals one rep) 1 1 1
One Arm Row Right 37 33 34
One Arm Row Left 33 33 33
Reverse Grip Pull Up Using The Pink Equalizer (i did a row with weight in both hands, and lifted one leg behind me, each time i brought the weights down) 18 20 22