Yea! We made it to week two. I feel amazing. I'm so happy that I didn't give up last week. It's a really good feeling to work so hard. The other day, we drove past 5 Guys, which usually tempts me, no matter how well I'm eating, but I didn't get one inkling of a temptation. It makes me happy to see that the changes I'm making are sticking and that they're doable. I'm not pushing myself so far that the desirable end result is unattainable.
I'm already seeing results. Although my weight fluctuates back and forth from day to day, I've lost AT LEAST 3 pounds and I see a little more definition (although, at this point, I'm probably the only one that notices). I have more energy during the day (although I'm REALLY tired by nine o'clock, but I go to bed by 10 every night anyway), and I feel stronger.
It was nice to get a little break over the weekend, but I'm ready to get back to it. I probably could have eaten a little better, but I'm ready to recommit myself. This is a really fun program. I get so excited to see what the workout is for the next day. I like that there's something new every day, that's going to challenge me. I get pretty bored with the same old thing. I've been looking forward to today.
here's the workout: oh man, this one killed me.
Lisa’s Burpee & Boxing Workout:
Set your interval timer for 12 Rounds of 50/10. You will complete the following exercises 3 x through.
Modify the following exercises as needed for your fitness level as shown by Lisa in the video. No matter what level you are starting at remember to work as hard as you can and keep going until you hear the beep !!
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Straight Punches using the Pink Sandbag 3 4 3 1/2
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 10 x Hook Punches using the Pink Sandbag 3 3 1/2 3
Press-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump x2 & 2 x Straight Punches + 2 x Hook Punches using the Pink Sandbag 3 3 3
2 x Mid Abs + 2 x Bag Touch Abs using the Pink Sandbag 4 4 4
Seans Weighted Workout:
This is a timed workout! Modify the following exercises as needed for your fitness level as shown by Sean in the video.
50 Skips
15 Pushups off of the Swiss Ball alternating legs (i started on the ball and moved to the floor for girl-style push-ups
50 Skips
15 Wide Pushups 15 Star Pushups
50 Skips
15 One arm Sandbag Press using the Pink Sandbag off the Swiss Ball (left)
50 Skips
15 One arm Sandbag Press using the Pink Sandbag off the Swiss Ball (right)
50 Skips
15 Dips using the Dip Station
50 Skips
FINISH TIME: 7:51 my push-ups were absolutely pathetic because i was really tired, but i made myself do 15 of each. if i had gone all the way down and up, it would have taken much longer to complete the workout.
Brad decided to give it a go. He started today with the fit test. My results are
here. And here are his:
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