Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 3~ Carrie

I'm pleasantly surprised by today.  Wednesdays are our crazy busy days so I wasn't sure how it would go, but I wrote out what needed to happen at what time of day and that helped a lot.

So this morning I drank my water and did my calf exercises, had the boys work on homework (music because they have music class after school and we won't be able to come home first) while I cooked breakfast.  I ate my eggs, bacon, and avocado, and then got a protein shake and larabar ready for after my workout.  Penelope was being a stinker this morning and wouldn't eat her breakfast so, after we dropped the boys at school, we came BACK home instead of going straight to the gym as planned, so she could eat something.  Still didn't eat much but we went to the gym anyway, AFTER I went BACK to the boys' school because Colson forgot his Math book for about the 3rd time this week.

Finally made it to the gym, did a 'Daily Hiit' workout, 2 rounds of the abs from the challenge, three sets of ten pull-ups (pushing off of a bench), three sets of 10 squats with 40lbs over my back, and ran twice around the track, sprinting the last 1/4 (it's 6 laps for a mile so that was only 1/3 of a mile).  I felt justified in having a protein shake because I thought that was a lot to do without replenishing myself.  I got Penelope from daycare and we headed to Sprouts for our groceries for the rest of the week.  On the way, I ate my first Larabar, and shared it with P.  Came home and had my yummy salad.  I probably ate way too much because she didn't say how much fruit or anything, but I really liked it!

Now it's off to shower, then to parent/teacher conferences, music class, eat another Larabar, hopefully clean the house while they're in class, make dinner, Scouts, do homework,  and bed.  PHEW!!


I'm anxious to hear from my sisters!  I keep hoping to see an update from one of you today.  Tare, did you eat a little extra today?  Sare, are you feeling any better?  Hopefully you were able to rest.  Kjirst, is it any better today?  Are you going to take a little break?  Did you get lots of sleep?

Hope you're all doing well!  Can't wait to hear!


  1. I always check here several times throughout he day :) I like to see what everyone is up to! I really enjoyed reading this and it inspired me with how busy you are and things not going as planned but you still getting your workout in and food as planned. I will update later, busy day for us too!

  2. Good work, way to be prepared! I love how we all feel like we have to justify everything we eat. I just did a TON of 'justifying' in my new post :) I knew that when Brad left you'd be capable of everything!

  3. yeah, well i'm still nervous about when he's been gone for over a week and i'm just so tired, but hopefully i can maintain what i've been doing so far. it WAS a confidence booster to see that i'm capable of doing this on my own.

  4. me too, tare! every time i get home from being out, i'm back on the blog checking to see how everyone is doing. i think this is SO great having all of us do this together. it's nice to have someone to check in with and see if they're having the same struggles you are, or to root each other on in our success.

    i hope kjirst is okay! i want to hear how she's doing.

  5. What a day Care! So wonderfully busy . . . And wonderfully managed!!! Proud of you! You are super woman! I'll post here in a second with an update. :)
